Monday, September 12, 2011

Physical Therapy Requirements

Physical therapy requirements include a Master?s degree or a Doctoral degree from a program that is accredited and certified. Each state has its own requirements for physical therapists and one of them is getting continuing education. There are several different programs for students to enroll in. If you already have a Bachelor?s degree and would like to pursue a career as a physical therapist you can now enroll in a two-year direct entry Master?s degree program. One should also be aware of the fact that this career requires a vast amount of physical work such as walking, bending, kneeling and standing.

In order to become a certified physical therapist you need to have a Master?s degree or a doctoral degree. The program subjects should include chemistry, anatomy and physiology, biology, psychology and statistics. Students can choose from Master?s degree programs as well as Doctoral degree programs. There are over two hundred accredited education programs for physical therapy available. Coursework includes examination techniques, biomechanics, human development and growth, biology, neuro-anatomy, chemistry, and physics, manifestations of disease, and therapeutic procedures. Once you have completed your bachelor?s degree you will be able to apply to a post baccalaureate degree program. Most states that require licensure before one can take up employment.

In addition, one of the educational physical therapy requirements is to complete clinical training or an internship. When it comes to continuing education each state?s requirements will vary. Due to so many people suffering from some or other disability physical therapists are now in great demand. In order for a physical therapist to advance in their career as well as increase their salary scale they should register for a continuing education program in physical therapy.

In addition to having a master?s degree or a doctoral degree another stipulated requirement is to pass the state licensure exam. This exam can also vary from state to state. Still, most states will accept the results from the national examination in physical therapy administered by the American Physical Therapy Association. In order to determine what rules have been set by the state you intend to work in you can check with the department of professional regulations. In most cases, continuing education is required for therapists to renew their license. Licensed physical therapists are employed in hospitals, private practice, nursing homes as well as other healthcare facilities and many opt to work in sports.

In order to find out all about the physical therapy requirements you should look into jobs offered in your area. A physical therapist helps to rehabilitate patients such as disabled individuals and accident victims as well as people suffering from heart disease, arthritis and cerebral palsy. Therapists help patients with head injuries and fractures.

Physical therapy requirements include providing services that improve mobility, prevent or limit physical disabilities, restore function and relieve pain. In addition, therapists also have to promote, maintain and restore the overall health and fitness of their patients. At present statistics reveal that physical therapists occupy around 186,000 jobs in the USA and many of these professionals hold two or more jobs.


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