Monday, January 9, 2012

US and China differ on Iran

US and China differ on Iran US and China differ on Iran

China, the biggest buyer of Iran's oil, has publicly rejected US sanctions aimed at Tehran's energy industry. At the same? More

How often do you ignore speed limits while driving?

  1. Never
  2. Occasionally
  3. Often
  4. Always
Flat screen TV prices plummet Flat screen TV prices plummet

The price of flat-screen televisions is plummeting, leaving consumers spoiled for choice on what was once a luxury item. High-definition? More

Traffic Update


"); } $.each(road.directions, function(direction, stat) { var level = stat.level.toLowerCase().replace(' ', ''); if (direction.toLowerCase() == 'citybound') { var dir = 'right'; } else { var dir = 'left'; } var $div = $("

" + direction + " " + + ": " + stat.level + "

"); $('#trafficcontent').append($div); }); // set cookie so this tab is remembered when we come back $.cookie('traffic',road.abbrev,{expires:365}); }); // if nothing is selected yet select the first tab, otherwise see if we can match the cookie if (road.abbrev == $.cookie('traffic')){ selected_li = $li; } $('#traffictabs').append($li); }); // end of closure / loop // if something was selected via cookie then click it if (selected_li) {; // otherwise pick something random } else { var tabs = $('#traffictabs li') var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (tabs.length)); $(tabs[index]).click(); $.cookie('traffic',null); } });


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